Princess Victoria of Great Britain dies

The Princess Victoria, c. 1905
(borrowed from Wikimedia)
London, Dec. 3, 1935 (AP). The Princess Victoria, 67, sister of King George V, died today, causing cancellation of the state ceremonies at the opening of Parliament.  Black crepe, draping the colors of Great Britain's red-coated guardsmen marching before Buckingham Palace, gave evidence to London residents that the royal family was in mourning. There was widespread sorrow throughout the United Kingdom.

Although virtually unknown to the majority of the British public, the shy Princess Victoria was related to half the crown heads of Europe, including Queen Maud of Norway, former Queen Victoria of Spain, Queen Marie of Rumania, King Christian of Denmark and King George of Greece.

The Princess was born Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary on July 6, 1868 to the then-Prince and Princess of Wales. Affectionately called Toria, she never married and remained a constant companion of her parents, especially her mother, Queen Alexandra, whom she lived with until the latter's death in 1925. The Princess eventually established her home at Coppins in Iver, Buckinghamshire. There, she led a rather quiet life while participating in numerous village interests.

(Her remains were interred at the Royal Vault in Windsor Castle on December 7).


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